There's a BCPL* compiler bootstrap kit with an INTCODE interpreter in C. It compiles on CP/M, MSDOS and Unix. Executables for CP/M and DOS are also provided. You can get it from [] in [.languages]bcpl.tar_z (VMS machine). The kit is based on the INTCODE bootstrap technique explained in the book BCPL: The language and its implementation, Richards and another (not certain of title, book's at home). Remember, it's an interpretive system for bootstrapping purposes, so expect a 10 to 20 times hit compared with native code. The interpreter was done for fun so it's offered as is, no support, USTL. But if you do anything weird with it, do let me know. *BCPL (Basic Combined Programming Language) is a system programming language invented by Martin Richards. It's a typeless language with only one data type, the machine word. Some of its ideas have influenced C.